Teaching Learning to Use your Sewing Machine

This week starts a 5 session class that I'm teaching at the local community school.  The response was quick and I have 14 students ready to learn how to use their sewing machines. 

I'm using a terrific book as the course guide.  It's I Can't Believe I'm Sewing by Pat Sloan.


 This book is published by Leisure Arts, the folks that publish my Knit a Dress Dishcloth Knitting Patterns.  I've been a fan of Leisure Arts for as long as I can remember.  Their pattern and instruction books are always a pleasure to use.

This book contains everything that I need for the class starting with Getting to Know your Machine on Page 5, Bobbins and Threading your machine on Pages 46-48 and ending with a selection of patterns that are great for beginners.  I've decided on the Tote Bag that is pictured on the cover.  It will give my students a chance to make something fun and useful while they master straight stitching, pressing open seams, clipping corners, lining the bag, and sewing on handles and button accents.  Before they start the tote bag, I've purchased muslin for everyone to make a coaster from another pattern in the book and familiarize themselves with a straight stitch and a seam allowance.

I hope to post pictures of some of the finished projects in the coming weeks.

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