Dishcloth Dresses Knitting Patterns Giveaway

I'm hosting a giveaway to celebrate the publication of my dishcloth dress collection by Leisure Arts.  The booklet was recently released and contains 12 dishcloth dress patterns along with beautiful colored photos of each dress.

Leisure Arts #75428

 The original pattern is
 "Going Dancing".


 I designed this several years ago.  The feather and fan stitch has always been one of my favorite stitch patterns.  It reminds me of a ruffled skirt.  That, along with my memories of the crocheted versions from the 1950's and 1960's, inspired the collection.

I'll be giving away 3 copies of the book.  It is available either in print or as a downloadable ebook.

There will be one winner for each of the categories. 

Here's how to enter:

1) Leave a comment below.  Check out the sign up to receive new post information by email

2) Like the KnitnSew Studio facebook page

3) Find a print copy in your local craft store (they're in Joann's and several others) and send me a photo along with the city and state where you found the booklet.

 The winner will be selected on Sunday, May 19, 2013 after 5 p.m. (Eastern Time)

 You'll receive your copy in time to knit a few dresses for end of year teacher gifts, upcoming bridal showers, and as hostess gifts for those great summer visits.

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